Currently – September/October 2023

The last month and half has been interesting to say the least (do I keep saying that??). For those of you who don’t know, I have been searching for a new job. And let me just say, job hunting is not for the faint of heart! I left my last job on good terms, but finding another place has not been as easy as I was thinking/hoping it would be – at least for the administrative rolls I have been searching for. The job market in this area is pretty competitive and apparently quality workers are not very hard to find here (I’m sure this probably depends on the industry).

I will say, my application to interview ratio is pretty strong. The reasons I have not received a job has ranged from not having the direct experience they are looking for, being overqualified for a position (assuming they thought I would be bored and not stay long?), or it’s been completely circumstantial on their end. However, I still know God has His hand on this. Had I received one of the positions I was pretty confident I would be offered, I would have ended up calling out sick for an entire week and a half because our family got completely nailed with one of the worst, long-lasting colds ever.

With that said, I had another interview this week for another position, and while I’m not sure which way it will go right now, I do know God’s got a plan that I can fully trust in him for.

So anyway, with that update…here’s what else we’ve been up to!

Currently Watching

“Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” on Netflix

I really enjoyed this documentary! Not because I’m necessarily interested in living to 100, but I love learning about other people’s lifestyles, especially with older generations and I found this to be fascinating and well done. It was insightful and made me realize some of the generational traditions are not being passed down with the changing of our own modern day lifestyles, even in my own family. It has me thinking about the meals my grandma cooked that I haven’t made because it’s time consuming. However, in order to keep those traditions alive, it takes action and it’s up to us to keep it going. Definitely food for thought.

Currently Reading

I’m only 3 chapters from the end but I’ve been savoring this book. For me this isn’t a binge-read. As the storms in my life continue to keep coming I’m very appreciative of this book right now and so I will continue to slowly work my way to the end.

I haven’t made any progress from last month but working on picking it back up. As I’m rethinking some of my routines I know this book will be helpful!

Currently Making/Baking

These Easy Blueberry Muffins by Carrie from Eating on a Dime!

A couple months ago we somehow accidentally ordered 6 huge cartons of blueberries on our grocery order. I gave some to our neighbors but I also froze quite a few and I am so happy I did! These have been quick and easy to make and enjoyed by everyone in our family.

Current Favorite

Rest. The biggest blessing in the past month and a half is that for the first time in years I finally feel like I’m getting deep rest. I have thoroughly been enjoying being able to sit with my coffee and soak in my Bible and time in prayer. I’ve been able to catch up on house work and evaluate the systems/routines that are working and not working for us. I’ve been able to take care of my sick babies and myself without the worry of losing a job over it or wondering who I’m letting down because of it. I knew I had been burnt out…I just didn’t realize the extent of it.

I think the best way I can describe it, is that I feel like I’m a plant that is getting some much needed water and sunshine after surviving in less than ideal conditions. I’m very thankful for this time.


I know life is crazy for many of you and everyone is going through different things right now. Just know someone (me) is out there praying for you.

Much love,


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