Currently – February 2018

I almost missed this month’s Currently post, but I made it!  I’m going to keep this one short, but here’s what we’ve been up to this month.

Currently Watching

The Olympics!  I realize it’s over now, but it was nice to watch after putting our little Gryffin down to bed.  My favorite is always the the ice skating.  It’s amazing how effortless it looks!  My hubby’s favorite is the snowboarding.

Currently Reading

“The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman.  I just started this book but it’s a great read! (or in my case listen since I have the audio book).  I thought this was the perfect pick for this month since it was not only Valentine’s day this past month but also our 10 year wedding anniversary!

I was reading the Purpose Driven Life, but I’m having to put this book on hold and will pick it up at a later time.  I’m just not able to focus on this book like I would like to.

Currently Making/Baking

Steak Fajitas! (recipe here) This has been one of our go-to meals for the past couple months.  My husband has been the one to make it lately but we love it.  We eat it with a side of mexican rice and guacamole with Tostito’s lime chips.  So yummy!

Current Obsession

Whenever Bars!  One of my coworkers gave one for me to try and I have been hooked every since.  I was able to find them at Walmart for about $5.  I have mentioned before, but my baby is dairy intolerant and since I’m still nursing I have to cut dairy out of my diet as well.  It’s nice to switch things up from the Kind Bars every now and then.  Plus it tastes like you’re eating a cookie. :)

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I hope you all have had a great February!!

January Recap & 2018 Goals

Here we are half way through February and, wow, that happened fast!   I meant to post this a couple weeks ago – oops!  I felt like my little family spent almost the whole month of January being sick.  Poor little Gryffin had it the worst.  He had a stomach bug, followed immediately but a horrible cold which included a fever that lasted off and on for two weeks.  Thankfully that bug is behind us but I can’t wait for this cold and flu season to be over with.

In addition to the cold virus going around and dealing with the stress from that, we also found out that the in-home daycare we had been taking Gryffin to since he was 8 weeks old was closing.  I’m not going to lie, I’ve been pretty emotional about it.  For as much as I hate having to work full time, Amber had been his second mom and having to find someone new was rather heart wrenching.  We have completely been blessed having someone we could trust.  After a few weeks of searching we finally found a place that has been a good fit (more on this in the next update).

So now with that recap I will dive into how I did with my goals.


In a previous post I had written what I hoped to accomplish for the whole year.  After having a baby I’ve had to intentionally let some things go (such as a clean house at all times) and other things seemed to have fallen by the wayside, but now I’m to the point where I’m ready to start getting a handle on things.  The month of January I wanted to focus on getting back into my Bible, praying, and being rooted in Christ.

Here is what I had planned for the month of January and the details of how I did.

Be – Rooted 

  1. Go through a devotional  
  2. Start a prayer journal 
  3. Go to church/listen to sermons every Sunday 

Book of the month:  Of Mess and Moxie:Wrangling Delight Out of This Wild and Glorious Life by Jen Hatmker

* Here is the breakdown and details on how I did.

1 – Go through a devotional  I’m giving myself a half point here.  I started off reading through The Purpose Driven Life.  It was really good and I enjoyed it.  The downfall is that the chapters were longer than I could handle most nights.  By the time I get my baby to bed I’m exhausted and struggle not to fall asleep on the couch.  This turned into a fail by the second week.

Solution: Getting the audio book from our library.  This isn’t the most ideal solution since I only have the audio book for a certain amount of days, but it’s still better than nothing, especially since I really did want to finish it.

Since my main goal was to try and get into reading my Bible more I started going through reading plans with the You Version Bible app.  These plans tend to be short and I can usually manage to read the day’s section when I crawl into bed.

2 – Start a prayer journal  For the same reason as above, I am just way too tired at the end of the day to keep up with it.  As for the weekends, I still find myself scrambling for time.

Solution: Bag it.  I figured it would be best for baby steps so for now I will stick with Bible reading plans.

3 – Go to church/listen to sermons every Sunday  Guys – this one is so embarrassing for me to admit…we listened to only one sermon the whole month.  I have my excuses, but it just doesn’t cut it.

Solution:  Really make it a priority and schedule it.  My husband works graveyard which is why it’s so difficult to actually go to church.  We don’t have an excuse to not listen to a sermon online.  I plan to actually schedule it like we would a doctor’s appointment and make it happen.

Book of the Month: Of Mess and Moxie by Jen Hatmaker.  Ooooh my gosh you guys!  I loved this book!  I found it by a complete accident while browsing through audio books through our libaray – I saw it and though it looked like it might be good.  I started in on my Monday morning commute and got to work feeling like I just had the best pep talk for my day…no…for my life.  Jen Hatmaker is hilarious and sooo much of what she said was incredibly relate-able.  I felt like every day I was hanging out and listening to a friend.  I plan to buy a hard copy of this book.  I highly recommend everyone listens to the audio book at least once though.  She reads the book herself and makes it that much more enjoyable (this is the one and only book, so far, that I give this recommendation to).

My hope is that everything I work on will carry on into the next month as I add to my goals.  I don’t expect to be successful all the time, but I am hoping that the more I try and the more I work on it that eventually it will stick and become just part of my routine.

Hope you all are having a wonderful February.  Stay tuned for the next update!


