Did You Miss Me?! I’m Back!

First of all – hello!!!  I’ve taken many blogging breaks in the past but this by far is the loooongest.  I tried a couple times before now to write a post but major life events kept rolling in and it’s taken me a long time to get back to a place I can write again. In some ways I feel like the current “me” is shaking hands and making acquaintance with the 18 months ago “me” because just so much has changed.

I could write a novel for everything that has gone down the past year and a half, but to speed things up I made bullet points, which sums everything up pretty well. Unfortunately by doing so you miss out on the “touchy, feely” details of all this and I don’t think you can quite grasp the fully understanding of just how deep, agonizing, stressful, yet also joyful and exciting these past months of our life have been.

I’m going to back up where I left off to the summer of 2021. If you had been following along with my blog at that time you knew that Mikey, my husband, had been going back to school. We knew there had been a *slight* chance that we could potentially have to move in order for him to get a job in his field, but with so many hospitals around, we really weren’t expecting that to happen.

Well, God clearly had other plans. Welcome to the summary of the past 18 months…

  • Mikey finished school in June and graduated (yay!!)
  • Mikey got an internship at one of the local hospitals (yay again!)
  • The last month of his internship I found out I was pregnant with baby #2 (yay!)
  • There was only one Bio-Medical position posted at the end of the internship in August…ONE
  • Mikey interviewed, but he did not get the position and was informed he was a close second. Obviously, second is close but not close enough
  • Mikey then applied to multiple places in Washington and Oregon (insert agonizing waiting game here)
  • A hospital in Salem, OR reached out to Mikey and requested an in person interview, which turned into a 3 hour interview and he was offered a job that same afternoon! (skipping a lot of details here, but again, for times sake I’m moving things along)
  • November 1st, he accepted the job (I was now 4 months pregnant)
  • 3 weeks later we listed our house on the market and we accepted an offer the week after Thanksgiving
  • 2 weeks later, in the middle of December, we moved to Oregon – leaving behind family, close friends, a daycare we trusted, the kindergarten I “knew” Gryffin was going to attend the following year, a church that we were finally becoming involved in, and 10 years worth of memories
  • 2 weeks after moving into a townhome in Salem, we found a beautiful home in a city nearby that we fell in love with and put an offer on. We were accepted on Christmas day! Truly a miraculous gift!
  • 2 months later we moved into our new home
  • All while we were adjusting to our new life in Oregon, I was busy still working full-time with my 4 year old at home because there were no openings in any daycares (I was able to keep my job and work remotely for the same company I had been with, which was a huge answer to prayer), and I was also trying to figure out new doctors and insurance because I would soon be approaching my 3rd trimester – talk about majorly stressful. Obviously, this all got worked out.
  • 1 month before the baby was due, we got to finally move into our new home
  • 1 week after moving I was able to get Gryffin into a wonderful preschool in our new city!
  • Our little bundle of joy arrived, unfortunately I had pretty bad complications post birth, but thankfully everything turned out ok in the end. Let’s just say I highly regret not getting the blood transfusion.
  • The next 2 months I mostly spent on the couch or in bed, snuggling and around the clock feeding the baby, of course. I couldn’t be more thankful my mom was there to keep everything afloat!!
  • After 3 months I went back to work with a baby at home because we couldn’t find another daycare for an infant (eek! Probably the most stressful time of my life)
  • Gryffin started Kindergarten in the fall
  • Holiday season (because every knows that’s a hurdle to get through every year)
  • Birthday season (Gryffin’s and our baby’s birthday are only 1 week apart!)
  • Easter
  • Gryffin graduated Kindergarten (how is my first baby a first grader now!)
  • Here we are and Summer has commenced!

A year and a half later and we’re finally coming out of the shell shock of it all. Looking back we can see God’s hand in all the details and we are in awe of all the blessings along the way.

I don’t have a posting schedule yet but I’m glad to be back! It feels good to be here. Posts to come will be a “Currently” life update (which of course will be an appearance of our little miss), and an updated Summer Bucket List, of which I really need to get on since we’re already well on our way into Summer! I’m also happy to take down post requests too!

If you’ve been following along for any amount of time, I’m thankful you’re still here and happy to “see” you again! If you’re newly reading along, welcome!

I hope you are all doing well.

Much Love,
