Hello 2020!

As every year comes to an end I can’t help but reminisce and think over the past year. This past year comes with a lot of mixed feelings. In the past there’s been a “good riddance” vibe, but this year is a little different. I’m so glad I have blogged throughout the year because honestly I know I would have forgotten some pretty fun moments. This year didn’t quite go like I thought it would…but that’s how it usually goes, doesn’t it? ;)

Starting January 2019 I had chosen a word of the year, which was “Courage”. I had one goal and one dream and that was to start my own freelancing business as a virtual assistant. I have the knowledge and capability to be successful, but when it came time to actually make the jump of investing in my business my husband and I suddenly didn’t have peace. At the time I wasn’t sure why, BUT I knew I needed to wait. Looking back I can see why, but it would take a long time to get into that. Honestly, if an opportunity falls into my lap I would like to snatch it up, but for now I’ll wait.

Looking back my word of the year should have been “Family”. This year, more than ever, that’s what it’s been about and I couldn’t be more blessed by it.

While being miles and miles apart, I have taken a loved ones hand and walked with her down the darkest and most terrifying road of her life…no…road doesn’t cut it…it’s more like full-blown off-roading through a jungle – now that feels more accurate. The things she’s gone through and the conversations we’ve had are absolutely unreal.

Seeing someone I deeply love go through something incredibly, gut-wrenchingly difficult is one of the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. You want so badly to take it away from them and yet your hands are tied and you have to watch them go through it. I have never spent so much time on my knees in prayer. I’m so incredibly thankful that we have a big God and we’ve seen and experienced Him move in big ways.

Some of you, although the situations may be different, whether it be an illness or something else, know exactly what this is like. If that’s you and are going through something similar I wish I could squeeze you and tell you that by the grace of God we will all get through this…one way or another.

While all of this has been extremely difficult, there has been lots of joy and laughter this past year as well. There have been some really amazing memories made with my own little family as Mikey and I took Gryffin and checked things off our summer bucket list! Again, I’m so glad I documented it all because somehow it’s so easy to forget.

After a summer full of fun and laughter, this fall/winter has been quiet and cozy. I’m all about quiet and cozy. Mikey and I have been able to go on quite a few date nights and get back in touch with each other again. We’ve done a lot of kid trades with my brother and sister-in-law to make date nights happen, so that means we’ve gotten a lot of nephew time in as well. Speaking of which, we just welcomed a brand new nephew born into our family this past month! So yes, this year has truly indeed been all about family. <3

As I look into 2020 it holds a lot of hopes and dreams…and uncertainty. Mikey will be starting classes again at one of the community colleges near us. It’s a year long certificate program and then will he continue on to finish his AA after. We’re looking forward to new opportunities that will open up.

While Mikey will be juggling full time work and full time school, I’ll be trying to pick up the pieces in between. We have some pretty fun trips in the works for the summer. I will be jet-setting across the country to Pennsylvania where I will be in a dear friends wedding. We also have a family reunion type trip coming and will be visiting Kansas for the first time! I am also really hoping to make it to Chicago to visit my parents. I’ve also had a desire start vlogging – so maybe I can even take you all along with me! It’s a bit out of my comfort zone putting myself out there, but I also think it’s kinda fun!

As for the rest of the year…well we don’t really know what that’s going to look like, but we’re always excited to see what God has in store and prayerfully commit this year to Him.

I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!

Much Love and Many Blessings,
