Sunday Feelings


I both love and dread Sunday’s.  I love this day of rest, but I always get the Sunday night blues. It’s ok though, because it’s almost always the most peaceful day of the week.

In honor of Sunday and the week ahead, here is a list of things to do in preparation for the week.

1. Quiet time. ~  This is the day I always find my quiet time with Jesus (although, I always try to make an effort during the week also).  Whether it’s in the morning, or evening, it’s a special time.  Evenings especially, because that’s when I’m spending the most time preparing my heart and mind for the week.  It’s important to focus on Him, instead of the week looming ahead like a big dark cloud.

2. Clean home. ~ I try and do this on Saturday, but if it doesn’t get done, I make sure it’s at least picked up and wiped down on Sunday.  This alone helps immensely for the week ahead.  If I don’t do this, I go crazy by Wednesday with frustration and go on a mad cleaning frenzy…it’s not pretty.

3. Laundry. ~ No matter how hard I try I can’t seem to ever get laundry done on Saturday, it always ends up happening on Sunday.  But it’s nice to have clothes fresh and ready for the week ahead.

4. Pick out clothes for the week ~ or the next day, at the very least.

5.  Nap ~ Sunday afternoon naps are the best!

6.  Read or spend time doing something you enjoy. ~  Today, for example, I spent my afternoon watching Downton Abbey and crocheting a blanket.  All that was missing was some tea…:)

7.  Prepare meals for the week. ~ For when you feel like going above and beyond.  I don’t typically have the energy for this, but it’s something I think about.  

8.  Bubble baths ~ These are a wonderful way to end an evening, it’s soothing and helps wind down your mind and body before bed.

And there you have it, short and sweet.  I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead.  Happy Sunday!

My Week of Nostalgia


I have been feeling super nostalgic lately of my dancing days.  So I decided to put on my dancing shoes again.  It definitely hurt more than I remember (don’t worry, I warmed up A LOT before I attempted to do anything in my pointe shoes).  I felt really good and strong for the first two seconds en pointe, then immense foot cramps ensued, so that was the end of that.

I also discovered Kathryn Morgan’s Youtube videos and now I’m hooked…and possibly slightly obsessed.  I feel like she and I could be friends.  I’m sure her entire viewing audience feels that way, it’s impossible not to like her :)

Here is the link to her website if you’re interested:

Anywho…Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.  It is 70 degrees outside and I need to go out and enjoy it.

Have a great Saturday!

Talk About Overrated



Being an adult is so overrated, and not to mention stressful.

I have a Financial aid deadline quickly approaching and need to turn in one last paper, but I needed answers before I could fill out the questions.  I wanted to burry my head.  I wanted my mommy.  I wanted someone to hold my hand and tell me they will take care of it, and not to worry my pretty little head.

But instead I had to pull on my big girl panties and face this challenge head on.

So I called my mama.  She had me talk everything out with her.  She prayed with me.  I called the financial aid office.  I felt a little better.

Then I called her again and what she had to say was exactly what I needed to hear.  She reminded me that if this is what God wants for me, then everything is going to fall into place and the timing will work itself out.

Maybe I’m supposed to start school at a later quarter, or maybe God has something else for me that doesn’t involve school at all.  But for now, until I have a firm I answer, I will keep doing what I can and keep pursuing in this direction.  I will get the last paper turned in first thing Monday morning and I will put this all in Gods incredibly able hands.

As for right this minute?  That whole fort and coloring things seems to be a great idea ; )

Random Blast From the Past

Have you ever smelled something that completely took you to another place in time?  Or tasted something that instantly brought a memory to life?

I just had that happen.  It was random and not at all something I expected from a watermelon Jolly Rancher.

The instant it touched my tongue I suddenly flashed back to when I was little running around outside in the sunshine.  Apparently watermelon Jolly Ranchers take me back to summer and laughter.  Just like homemade lemonade takes me to swimming in the backyard of a friends house and laying out on my little mermaid beach towel.

I wonder if different flavors would bring up different memories?

I think I might just have to buy a bag and test it out.  : )

We All Could Use a Little R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Something has been on my mind lately…

~ First – what is up with these sayings that “Real woman have this” or “REAL women look like that”??


Whether you are tall, short, skinny, curvy, have short hair, long hair, are buff, are weak, shy, outgoing, confident, you name it…if you are a woman then you are a REAL woman and YOU matter.

~ Second – stop the judging and the gossip.  Seriously, just stop.  Life is hard enough on its own without everyone’s negativity.  There is nothing good that comes out of it, no matter which side you are on.

Let’s start celebrating each others differences and encourage each other instead.

Ok?  Ok.