Currently – September/October 2023

The last month and half has been interesting to say the least (do I keep saying that??). For those of you who don’t know, I have been searching for a new job. And let me just say, job hunting is not for the faint of heart! I left my last job on good terms, but finding another place has not been as easy as I was thinking/hoping it would be – at least for the administrative rolls I have been searching for. The job market in this area is pretty competitive and apparently quality workers are not very hard to find here (I’m sure this probably depends on the industry).

I will say, my application to interview ratio is pretty strong. The reasons I have not received a job has ranged from not having the direct experience they are looking for, being overqualified for a position (assuming they thought I would be bored and not stay long?), or it’s been completely circumstantial on their end. However, I still know God has His hand on this. Had I received one of the positions I was pretty confident I would be offered, I would have ended up calling out sick for an entire week and a half because our family got completely nailed with one of the worst, long-lasting colds ever.

With that said, I had another interview this week for another position, and while I’m not sure which way it will go right now, I do know God’s got a plan that I can fully trust in him for.

So anyway, with that update…here’s what else we’ve been up to!

Currently Watching

“Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones” on Netflix

I really enjoyed this documentary! Not because I’m necessarily interested in living to 100, but I love learning about other people’s lifestyles, especially with older generations and I found this to be fascinating and well done. It was insightful and made me realize some of the generational traditions are not being passed down with the changing of our own modern day lifestyles, even in my own family. It has me thinking about the meals my grandma cooked that I haven’t made because it’s time consuming. However, in order to keep those traditions alive, it takes action and it’s up to us to keep it going. Definitely food for thought.

Currently Reading

I’m only 3 chapters from the end but I’ve been savoring this book. For me this isn’t a binge-read. As the storms in my life continue to keep coming I’m very appreciative of this book right now and so I will continue to slowly work my way to the end.

I haven’t made any progress from last month but working on picking it back up. As I’m rethinking some of my routines I know this book will be helpful!

Currently Making/Baking

These Easy Blueberry Muffins by Carrie from Eating on a Dime!

A couple months ago we somehow accidentally ordered 6 huge cartons of blueberries on our grocery order. I gave some to our neighbors but I also froze quite a few and I am so happy I did! These have been quick and easy to make and enjoyed by everyone in our family.

Current Favorite

Rest. The biggest blessing in the past month and a half is that for the first time in years I finally feel like I’m getting deep rest. I have thoroughly been enjoying being able to sit with my coffee and soak in my Bible and time in prayer. I’ve been able to catch up on house work and evaluate the systems/routines that are working and not working for us. I’ve been able to take care of my sick babies and myself without the worry of losing a job over it or wondering who I’m letting down because of it. I knew I had been burnt out…I just didn’t realize the extent of it.

I think the best way I can describe it, is that I feel like I’m a plant that is getting some much needed water and sunshine after surviving in less than ideal conditions. I’m very thankful for this time.


I know life is crazy for many of you and everyone is going through different things right now. Just know someone (me) is out there praying for you.

Much love,


2023 Summer Bucket List – Recap!

This summer didn’t go like I hoped or planned at all, BUT, we still managed to accomplish some things on our list and we even added a couple items (so stay tuned for next year’s list because those things are definitely getting added!).

So here are the activities we DID do!

We went swimming a couple times in our little backyard pool but we also went to the big pools too!

We scored some books, dress up clothes for the kids, Pokemon cards, a decorative clock, a super cozy reading chair that I posted about here in the favorites section, garden kits, and more! We definitely found our new summertime hobby. ;)

Our sweet Kahlua smelling the pretty little petunias

I was hoping to plant a real garden this year, however, the backyard went a bit crazy with weeds. Once we have that under control we can get started. It is very hard to keep up with when you have a little one! Hopefully next year! At least the petunias made our front porch look pretty!

We did not go nearly as much as I was planning, but thankfully this is a year-round activity!

No picture to show for this one, but I took Gryffin to meet up with a friend and chose a park we hadn’t been to.

I made a couple mom friends when Gryffin went to Kindergarten last year, so we all met up and had a fun time having a picnic together on a Sunday afternoon. Londyn makes new friends everywhere she goes as the big kids LOVE having her around ;)

I took Gryffin out for a walk one sunny afternoon and did a scavenger hunt along the way. He always has fun doing them!

We didn’t go to the pond I was originally thinking of with all the ducks, however, we came across a momma with her big babies on one of our evening walks at a different pond and did feed those ones. They were super sweet!

Ok, so this only gets a half point as we did this at the end of May. It was a little exhausting taking Londyn to the beach as we spent most of the time trying to keep her from drowning and eating sand lol. Still fun but not quite the relaxing experience I look forward to when going to the beach.

Extra things we did that didn’t make it on the list…

I posted a little about this on my last “Currently” post, but we had a really fun time getting away for the day and seeing all the animals!

This was a fun little event we went to. Both kids love riding on the carousel and Gryffin had a fun time playing the games. And, yes, there was even a llama!

We didn’t get to do all the fun summer things on our list but we made the best of what we could and had a fun time doing it!


I hope you all had a wonderful summer! I would love to know – what was your favorite thing you did this summer?

Much Love,


Last month held our annual “let’s all get sick” month.   I was hoping we would somehow skip this trend but the month started off strong with strep throat for both of my littles.  Next in line was my husband, and while he didn’t have strep throat, he did have a nasty cold.  Of course I was next and got the lovely cold my husband had.  Thankfully it knocked us down one at a time instead of all at once. 

In honor of this lovely event and because the Fall season is quickly approaching, I am sharing my go-to tips for getting through the cold sickies. 

There is nothing more soothing to me than a hot cup of green tea and honey when I have a cold. It warms my throat and eases body aches. It’s usually my first go-to step when I feel like I’m coming down with something as the antioxidants also help.

I looove relaxing baths. While it won’t cure your cold, it definitely eases your body and clears congestion. If I’m feeling extra congested I tend to choose a shower over a bath as the extra steam can help clear the sinuses and pressure.

If your sinuses are giving you extra grief, a warm compress with a washcloth (or whatever you have available) can help ease the pressure.

I find this especially helpful when you have a cough, but it also helps with congestion. We have this one. I love the little compartment for the VapoPads!

Chicken noodle soup for the win here! The more homemade the better, but there is nothing wrong with canned store brand either. Sometimes healthy food just doesn’t sound good when I’m sick and I crave the cozy, carbs of comfort food, but it’s not always the best option. Fruit and vegetables high in vitamin C are really key, even if all you can manage is orange juice.

Really, this is a bonus.  It does so much good for you and helps our bodies get through it.  However, I know that life circumstances, such as having small children or other life responsibilities can get in the way of this.  I’ve been there when rest just wasn’t possible and seeing advice like this would just make me frustrated.  So if that’s you, I completely understand and hugs to you…it will still be ok.


I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy!

Much Love,


Getting Through The Sickies

Currently – August 2023 (Recap)

Between last minute preparations for back-to-school (wow, did that happen fast!) and the ending of my job that I’ve held for the past 11 and 1/2 years (good terms), the month slipped by far too quickly. This last month was a good mix of fun and stress. Job hunting = stressful. Going to the zoo, a carnival, and garage sale-ing = fun!

While we didn’t get to go on a big vacation I’m thankful we’ve been able to find some fun things to do this summer. The Oregon Zoo was definitely a big hit with the littles! Gryffin’s favorites were the crocodiles, eagles, and black bears. Londyn’s favorites were the duckies…and a statue, haha.

Here’s what else we’ve been up to…

Currently Watching


I’ve always been fascinated with extreme weather…as long as I’m watching it on tv and not in real life ;). Obviously this is one for when the little ones are preoccupied elsewhere.

Currently Reading

“Help, I’m Drowning” by Sally Clarkson

Still reading this and enjoying it. I am finally getting back into the habit of reading before bed instead of just scrolling through my phone, so I’m making good progress now.

Speaking of habits…I also ordered this book.

I am one to avoid popular books right away, but I usually end up breaking down and getting it after the hype has worn down a little. So far this book has been really interesting and insightful and I’m enjoying the read.

Currently Making/Baking


Every once in a while we will get some items in our grocery order by mistake. This is one of those items, and I have to say, I’m not at all disappointed by it! I’ve been making this on the weekends and it’s definitely a yummy treat. I was a little unsure at first since it listed Kale in the ingredients, but you honestly can’t tell with the texture or taste that it’s in there. So this was a hit.

Current Favorite

These summer sunsets! This was a breathtaking view. We had been having heavy smoke due to some wildfires nearby and it had just cleared out the evening I took this. It was literally a breath of fresh air! :)


I hope you all had a wonderful summer! Happy September and I hope you all have a wonderful fall!

Much love,


One of my favorite memories from childhood is from a summer long ago.  I have no idea how old I was, 7, I think?  My brother, sister, and I were at a friend’s house and had just finished playing in their pool.  We were on our beach towels that we had laid out in the grass, shaded by tall pine trees.  I had a little mermaid towel and I was pretending I was her.  I remember as I laid there the sound of the breeze swishing through the trees and the warmth of the air.  We later had fresh berries and homemade lemonade popsicles to eat.  At one point we all just sat there in silence, soaking it all in…just enjoying life in that moment, in all its glory.  I love looking back on this memory and visit it often.  The carefree lifestyle of childhood.

Now I’m an adult.  Life, kids, work, and responsibilities are endless.   Life was much slower then and there’s no going back now.  Or is there?  Obviously, there is no going back to childhood, but what if I could still create even more of those beautiful, idyllic memories in life as it is right now, even with all its complicated messiness that comes with adulthood?

In thinking back to that memory, no smartphones were to be found.  We were grounded with all our senses, soaking in the moment because there was nothing there to distract us. Somewhere along the way, between endless to-do lists and the constant pull to my phone, I have lost the art of slowing down and living in the moment.

Thinking about all this has me wondering – what would life look like if we unplugged, not just once in a while, but more and more every day?  What if we embraced the here and now instead of constantly wishing it away? What if we found a small piece of joy every day and stopped for 10 minutes to literally just sit and take it all in?  When you’re soaking in those moments, what sounds do you hear, what do you see, what do you taste or feel?

As the summer is wrapping up, I want to focus more on pausing, slowing down the moments and soaking them in. Life is far from perfect right now and I’m in a place of unrest, but I don’t want to waste my days wishing this time away while I wait for the next thing. I want to embrace and enjoy the beauty and blessings that God has provided right in front of me. The giggles of my little ones, the sound of birds in the trees, the taste of fresh juicy cherries, and the warmth of the sun on my face.

So, in the honor of slowing down, here’s a little toast to the end of summer, to the memories we make, and the friends and family we share it with, both near and far.

Much Love,


The Art Of Slowing Down